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    作者: 材料澳门人威尼斯3966   审核人: 唐浩   文章来源: 材料澳门人威尼斯3966    点击数:   发布时间: 2024-09-03



    姓名: 陈晖   性别:

    出生日期:1983.4  籍贯: 河北唐山

    学历:博士研究生   毕业时间: 2019.11

    职称: 副教授 学科专业:材料科学与工程


    联系电话: 18862008848

    E-mail: 51036185@qq.com


    u 2011.112019.11 中国科澳门人威尼斯3966金属研究所 助理研究员

    u 2019.122023.07 盐城工澳门人威尼斯3966 材料澳门人威尼斯3966 讲师

    u 2023.08-今 盐城工澳门人威尼斯3966 材料澳门人威尼斯3966 副教授


    一、 代表性论文

    1、 Hui Chen, Ming Cheng, Lianteng Liu, Ying Wang, Fuyu Chen*, Xinzhi Ma*, Qinfang Zhang*. Mathematical modeling and in-depth analysis of 10 kW-class iron-vanadium flow batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 563: 232813.

    2、 Fuyu Chen, Xiangdong Cheng, Lianteng Liu, Lukang Han, Jianguo Liu*, Hui Chen*, Qinfang Zhang*, Chuanwei Yan. Modification of carbon felt electrode by MnO@C from metal-organic framework for vanadium flow battery. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 580: 233421.

    3、 Hui Chen, Xinyu Zhang, shirui zhang, Saixue Wu, Fuyu Chen*, Jianguang Xu*. A comparative study of iron-vanadium and all-vanadium flow battery for large scale energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429: 132403.

    4、 Hui Chen, Zhongjie Wang, Shirui Zhang, Ming Cheng, Fuyu Chen*,Ying Xu*, Juhua Luo. A Low-Cost Neutral Aqueous Redox Flow Battery with Dendrite- Free Tin Anode, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168: 110547.

    5、 Hui Chen, Ming Cheng, Xue Feng, Yanan Chen, Fuyu Chen*, Jianguang Xu*. Analysis and optimization for multi-stack vanadium flow battery module incorporating electrode permeability, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 515: 230606.

    6、 Hui Chen, Mengxi Su, Yixuan Liu, Zhangxu Chen, Fuyu Chen*. In-Depth Analysis of Transport Delay on Cell Performance and Modeling Precision for All-Vanadium Flow Battery, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168: 060546.

    7、 Fuyu Chen, Hai Gao, Hui Chen*, Chuanwei Yan. Evaluation of thermal behaviors for the multi-stack vanadium flow battery module, Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 27: 101081.

    8、 Fuyu Chen#, Xuefu Che#, Xiaorui Ren, Lina Zhao, Denghua Zhan, Hui chen*, Jianguo Liu*, Jingshuai Yang*. Polybenzimidazole and polyvinylpyrrolidone blend membranes for vanadium flow battery, Journal of the electrochemical society, 2020, 167: 060511

    9、 Hui chen, Xiangrong Li, Hai Gao, Ao Tang*, Jianguo Liu, Chuanwei Yan. Numerical modelling and in-depth analysis of multi-stacks vanadium flow battery module incorporating transport delay, Applied Energy, 2019, 247: 13-23.

    10、 Hui Chen, Shaoliang Wang, Hai Gao, Xingmei Feng, Ao Tang*, Chuanwei Yan. Analysis and optimization of module layout for multi-stack vanadium flow battery module, Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 427: 154-164.

    11、 Kaicheng Luo, Junjun Zhang, Wei Chu*, Hui Chen*. Facile Fabrication of Nickel Aluminum Layered Double Hydroxide/ Carbon Nanotube Electrodes Toward High-Performance Supercapacitors, ACS Omega, 2020, 5(38): 24693-24699.

    12、 陈晖, 刘建国, 严川伟. 关于钒电池中支路电流(shunt current)的计算, 合成化学, 2007, B11: 259-263.

    二、 授权专利

    1、 陈晖, 陈富于, 许剑光, 吕蒙, 吴赛雪, 杨丹. 一种锡铁碱性液流电池, 2021. 10. 08, 中国, 202010522285.0. (发明专利)

    2、 陈晖, 冯兴梅, 刘欣, 程佳, 刘建国, 严川伟. 一种钒电池管理系统的SOC检测方法, 2016. 03. 02, 中国, 201310032639.3. (发明专利)

    3、 陈晖, 孙猛. 钒电池管理系统, 2016. 03. 02, 中国, 201310032639.3. (发明专利)

    4、 陈晖, 冯兴梅, 刘欣, 程佳, 刘建国, 严川伟. 一种钒电池测试过程中保护电池堆的方法, 2015. 09. 15, 中国, 201310044411.6. (发明专利)


    u 江苏省双创计划科技副总(2020年)
